President of Harvard In a letter to the Harvard community on Tuesday, Gay called the decision “difficult beyond words,” but said that in consultation with the Harvard Corporation, the university’s top governing board, it became clear to him that it was in Harvard’s best interests. .

Alan M. Garber, Harvard’s provost for the past 12 years, will serve as interim president until a new permanent leader is found, according to a separate email from the Harvard Corporation.

In their statement, the corporation’s 11 fellows said they accepted Gay’s resignation “with sadness”, adding that Gay had “shown remarkable resilience in the face of deeply personal and sustained attacks.”

The decision Of President Of Harvard comes after months of controversy regarding Gay’s handling of pro-Palestinian protests on campus and growing allegations of plagiarism in his academic work as a political scientist.

And it represents a shocking reversal at America’s oldest university: The Harvard Corporation announced plans in mid-December to stand by gays.

On Tuesday, the Washington Free Beacon – a conservative outlet that has been critical of Gay since Hamas’s October 7 attacks on Israel sparked campus protests – reported six new allegations of plagiarism by President of Harvard Gay, Which included about half of his published articles.

Last month, Gay and the corporation said she would amend or correct articles published between 2001 and 2017, as well as failing to attribute or cite certain sections in her 1997 PhD dissertation.

However, the school said it found no evidence of research misconduct by Gay – findings that have divided some in the campus community about the standards set for students versus university presidents.

The news of President of Harvard resignation shocked many on campus.

Government professor Ryan Enos helped lead a petition drive in support of President of Harvard Gay in mid-December. He described his departure as “incredibly sad” for Gay, Harvard, and American universities.


He said, “Whatever you think about the merits of her positions on international issues, or the allegations of plagiarism against her, these are things that need to be considered carefully.” “It certainly wasn’t an example of that.”

Corporation members indicated that the search for a new president would include extensive community engagement and consultation.
Members also expressed their appreciation for the work of the broader Harvard community.

“We thank you all for your continued commitment to Harvard’s vital educational and research mission – and to its core values of excellence, inclusivity, and free inquiry and expression.

At a time when conflict and division are so prevalent in our country and our world, embracing and carrying forward that mission – in the spirit of common purpose – has never been more important.

He said: “With the support, advice, and help of the Harvard community, my focus during this interim period will be on advancing our mission and helping to heal and strengthen the university I cherish.

There is still much to be done, and although today has been difficult, I know what this community can accomplish together.

I am confident that we will overcome the challenges we face and build a bright future for Harvard.”

Garber graduated from college with a Ph.D. Received. in Economics from Harvard and an M.D. from Stanford University.

He has received fellowships from Harvard Medical School, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Harvard Kennedy School, and the Harvard T.H.

There are academic appointments in. Chan School of Public Health. Before becoming Harvard provost in 2011, he spent 25 years on the faculty at Stanford, where he served as the Henry J. Kaiser Jr. Professor and Professor of Medicine, as well as Professor of Economics, Health Research and Policy, and Professor of Economics.

Graduate School of Business (Courtesy). At Stanford, he founded and directed the Center for Health Policy and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research and served as a staff physician in the Department of Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System.

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